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Encounter Homegroups

Homegroups can build a sense of community within the church. They bring together people who have the same interests, challenges, or life stages, in an informal setting. Members of a homegroup can develop close relationships with each other and provide emotional support and accountability. Sharing life issues so we pray for each other’s needs in a personal way. Pastoral needs are a big part of the church.


All the groups use a similar Bible study program that helps us learn together forming deeper connections and relationships between church members. These small homegroups build up people not just in friendships but with a closer relationship to Jesus. Learning together from Scriptures and topics that can be discussed with one another.


The five current groups consist of members from all ages. In this growing church, there is now a need for forming more groups, so very soon we are looking at another three groups starting. This will also encourage people in leadership as in each group there is a leader and pastoral care.


The leadership have been very encouraged with the way the homegroups have been progressing, also the overall growth in the church both numerically and spiritually.


We believe prayer is responsible for the evidence of the worship and witness amongst us. We are encouraged to tell others about what the Lord has done for us.

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